Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Attention judger !

Just because I'm talking to many girls, it doesn't mean I'm flirting.
I just being nice and i don't want to be rude with them.
It doesn't mean, aku guna perkataan 'you and i' tu kira aku nak mengayat.
Kalau tak suka guna 'you and i' tu. Aku boleh je guna 'kau aku'
Eh, simple thing la. I am easy going. Ada so-called-judger ni, aku taktau la apa dia punya mentaliti.
Maybe dia tak boleh nak tengok orang bersembang, atau dia rasa geli? LOL.
Why 'some people' sooo cares about this thing? Its common thing.  
Kenapa kalau aku bersembang dengan lelaki, korang tak cakap aku gay pulak?
I love to talk, i love to make friends. Do keep in touch buddy !
Let's talkk !


  1. hey we always in conversation, is that mean we are gay ke jat? wakakakkaka foolish staetment

  2. hahaa tisyaa lagi awesome !
    ngee !

  3. hahaha, kau rasa gay ke asrap kalau kita bercakap?
